It is Wednesday today and I have spent the morning sorting out the clothes that we have brought from Auckland.  Although we have been coming here for eight years and preparing for the day that we will finally settle into our new, one hundred year old home, it still caused a lot of anxiety within me to make the final move.  My head was spinning with all kinds of weird ideas and questions.  How will my grandchildren ever remember me when I live almost six hundred kilometres away from them?  What will happen if I am sick and old and I cannot do the housework anymore? What happens and I fall and there is nobody to pick me up ... and on and on it went in my head.

Oh! how silly of me and how silly my brain is to play all these weird and wonderful tricks on me.  I know exactly what to do to live here.  I have to put one step in front of the other and I have to take one day at a time.  I have to get up every morning, open my windows and open my curtains, make my bed, have a cup of coffee, put my walking shoes on and go for a walk.  I have to sit on the bench in front of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church and I have to pray and I have to dedicate my day to God and that is how I will live here.  I will live to the Glory of God and know in my heart that I am loved.

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